With great joy we would like to announce that company Clima Gold has become an official member of the ZPP.




ZPP stands for Polish Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, that focuses employers of small and medium-sized companies (from 1 to 250 employees), regardless their sector of professional activity.


The association was founded in June 2010 as a result of common disagreement for government’s lack of appreciation and potential of medium-sized enterprises that represent 99,8% of polish businesses (therefore they employ ¾ of Poles and produce 67% of GDP.


The main objectives of ZPP are:

– to improve operating conditions of companies in Poland,

– to represent and defend union members from unjustified actions of state authorities and local governments,

– to share numerous development and cooperation opportunities between its members,

– to provide the professional knowledge and information to all united companies.


All associated companies can benefit from numerous discounts.


One of the first successes of ZPP was a redemption act for entrepreneurs misled by the polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).